
Icon - Patti Smith

I feel that Patti Smith is a perfect figure to talk about in my first post. She is an ultimate punk legend with remarkable voice, who inspired numbers of musicians and writers. She is also a strong, wise person, never afraid to break the gender, cultural, and artistic norms. And, finally, she is one of my biggest role models and style icons. 

Actually, Smith is probably many people's style icon, especially in times of recent punk and grunge revival. But I think that pigeonholing her androgynous style as just "punk" is, in a way, an understatement. There is so much more to Patti than that.

While reading her wonderful memoir "Just Kids" I found it fascinating how her fashion choices have always been carefully thought of, and reflected the things that were important to her. She is a fashion inspiration not simply because of what she wore, but also for how and why she wore it. Basically, to dress like Patti you have to have not only right clothes, but also right attitude (which is the case with many other fashion icons, but in my eyes the psychological aspect of their outfits is often ommited). 

Enough talking, let's explore and analyze Patti's style: 

Patti Smith is a true art enthusiast and a true fangirl. One of the things she loves is cinema, and in this love originated one of my favourite style rules ever - dress as if you were an extra. Dress as if you stared in your favourite movie - simple as that. Such mindset is a great way off channeling your cinematic inspiration while dressing up. And so Patti had her East of Eden and Band of Outsiders outfits. 

Here is her East of Eden inspired polka dot dress (or is it? straw hat is missing, but you get the idea):

She was strongly influenced by French new-wave cinema - notice the breton stripes top and a hat on the photo below: 

But Patti Smith is also a master of wearing suits and tuxedos - she efortlessly pulls it off better than most men, not to mention women. How does she do it? I think it's a mixture of her coolness, strength, elegance and androgyny. Just look:

This iconic photo doesn't need to be introduced:

 And she's still got it! :

Patti is a huge fan of Baudelaire and other XIX century poets. It reflects in her clothes. Some of her "manly" outfits have sublte dandy feeling:

Another literary inspiration of Patti's fashion sense is beatnicks' style. Don't forget that she hung out with Ginsberg himself! So here we have lots of black and turtlenecks:

And what about Patti the New York Punk? In her most radical version Patti is slightly provocative, aggresive, brave, and intense. Think lots of ripped clothes, leather, jeans, black, graphic tees, military elements, shorts with tights, a little bit of mess, Keith Richard's hair, and no compromises:

But Patti was not all about androgyny, and she rocked her long, lace dresses with sublime sense of style. More spiritual than sensual, a little bit vulnerable, but still powerful - she managed to avoid looking "cute" even in a floral crown:

And, finally, don't forget about one of the most important elements to Patti Smith's style - lots of jewellery with soul and history, amulets, talismans and lucky charms received as gifts from close friends. Tangled bracelets and necklaces nonchalantly mixed together have much more character when you know that there is a special meaning behind each of them: 

For further inspiration I created some polyvore sets which contain essentials of Patti's wardrobe:

Patti Smith Inspiration - Outerwear

Patti Smith Inspiration - Tops

Patti Smith Inspiration - Bottoms, Dresses, Shoes

Patti Smith Inspiration - Accessories

All photos found on tumblr.

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